
Posts by Ryan Gibbons

Joined 4 years ago

5 things to know when setting up an online gambling business in 2024

​The future of the online gambling industry looks explosive, with a projected global market value of $127 billion by 2027. The dawn of mobile technology and the ubiquity of the internet have combined to allow players to win and be entertained from anywhere at any time.

That being said, there are several important things you need to bear in mind before diving into this complex, changeable virtual gaming world.

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What are your company's value props, and why are they important?

​In today’s cutthroat global marketplace, it is becoming increasingly difficult for businesses to set themselves apart from their countless competitors.

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Which states allow online alcohol sales?

​Are you looking to begin selling beer, wine, or other types of alcohol online? There is no doubt that businesses of all types are now capitalizing on the ever-growing popularity of internet shopping.

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Future trends in global ecommerce and multi-currency payment processing.

In a global, digital economy, multi-currency payment processing is becoming a must-have capability for companies that do business with an international clientele. Over the next few years, the payment services industry will increasingly incorporate blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, real-time payments, contactless payments, and more into payment solutions. In the following report, we’ll explore these trends and speculate on how the market for multi-currency payments will continue to grow in the near future.

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How visual cues can help drive e-commerce conversions with international consumers.

Helping your customers find and learn about your products should be one of your highest priorities as an international ecommerce seller. Eloquent, persuasive, text-based content is one way to accomplish this goal. However, you need to find other ways to attract and engage those customers who are not fluent in your site’s native language. Next to finding the right international merchant account from a reputable payment provider, addressing this challenge is arguably one of the most important keys to your global marketing success.

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A guide to understanding tariffs and duties for your international retail business.

If you are thinking about selling products internationally, you have numerous considerations to keep in mind. Among the most important to prioritize are the tariffs and duties you will be expected to pay. Governed by U.S. cross-border regulations, these financial requirements require ongoing vigilance and adherence.

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A complete guide to setting up automated payments for your business.

As a busy entrepreneur, one of your priorities should be finding ways to streamline your business processes while enhancing customer satisfaction. Whatever your industry might be, offering shoppers the ability to purchase goods and services with automated payments that go directly into your merchant accounts can help you to achieve this all-important goal.

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Multi-currency payment processing for different business types.

Today’s marketplace is becoming ever more diverse and globalized. As a result, customers are increasingly demonstrating their preference of submitting their international payments in their local monetary denomination. Therefore, multi-currency payment processing is becoming the rule rather than the exception for many of today’s growing companies. Learning how it is impacting businesses of various types can help you to come to an understanding of how this flexibility might even work for your own retail operation regardless of its type or focus.

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3 things you need to know about PCI DSS version 4.0 (effective March 31, 2024).

The clock is ticking. When the calendar page turns over to April 1, 2024, your organization must be in compliance with the newest version of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) 4.0. Start now so that you will be fully knowledgeable and prepared next spring.

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A complete guide to recurring payments.

In their simplest form, recurring payments are ongoing transactions between two parties that occur at regular intervals. They have gained popularity in recent years because they facilitate access to services, continued membership to a platform, or delivery of merchandise. Incorporating them into your company can elevate customer experience and refine your own internal business processes while providing you with recurring revenue.

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